Computer Management Snapin Launcher Stopped Working

Uninstall your current launcher. The steps to remove all versions of the launcher are the same: Make sure you’ve logged out of the game completely. Go to Add/Remove programs on your computer. Scroll down the list to Star Wars: The Old Republic; Select it. Choose Uninstall. Confirm you want to uninstall. Wait for the uninstallation to complete. Close out of the certificate management window and then click the ‘Edit Site List’ button right above ‘Manage certificates’ 20. Click the add button and type in x.x.x.x in the location box and click okay. When you first login to one of the affected 4, Server Manager mmc snapin tries to auto load as normal but fails everytime. The Error is: MMC could not create the snap-in MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it.

I recently upgraded my machine from Windows 8.1 pre-installed with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 to Windows 10. To my surprise almost everything else was working fine except BizTalk Administration Console.
Following was the error thrown MMC could not create the snap-in as soon as I tried to run btsmmclauncher.exe
The fix is pretty easy, all you need to do is repair your installation. You don't even have to reconfigure it again. To repair the installation, follow the steps below:
  • Run the BizTalk Server installer and Click on Install Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013.
  • In the next screen select Repair and click on Next.
  • Wait for the repair to complete, it will automatically re-create the registries for MMC and will fix the issue. Click on Next.
Computer management snapin launcher has stopped working windows 7
  • Once the Repair is complete, try relaunching the BizTalk Admin Console, the problem should be gone!

Computer Management Snapin Launcher Stopped Working Command

How To Fix Computer Management Snapin Launcher Has Stopped Working

In case you face any issues, feel free to drop comments and I'll be more than happy to help :)