Indy 10 For Delphi 7

During the development of an application, unfortunately I faced a problem that forced me to update the Indy library version of my Delphi 7. I really don't liked the idea, but it was the only solution to continue the development...

Visit the Indy Docs website to access the online HTML version of the Indy 10 help files. Indy in Depth: The Indy Book by the original Indy author. It cannot get more authoritative than that! Best of all, its an e-book and you do not have to worry about shipping as you can download it. Online Indy Articles: Links to free online articles about. Open your Delphi 7 and access Components Install Packages. Search for the package named Internet Direct (Indy) for Property and Component Editors. Select it and click on Remove button. This will remove the Indy components from the development enviroment and they won't more avaiable in the components pallete. Indy 10 Installation Instructions. All package names are followed by X0 (where X0 is your Delphi/CBuilder/RAD Studio product version). For Example: Delphi/CBuilder 6 is version 6.0, so the Indy packages are: IndySystem60, IndyCore60, IndyProtocols60, dclIndyCore60, dclIndyProtocols60. RADStudio 10 Seattle is version 23.0, so the Indy. I install Indy 10. I was getting an like this one 'IdSMTPBase was compiled with a different version of IdEMailAddress.TIdEMailAddressItem' so I recomplied the compents manually like the web site says below.

I think that if you are here, is because you are facing the same problem, so bellow I listed the instructions to update the Indy component library on Delphi 7 and be happy again! =)
Don't worry if you use another version o Delphi, instructions are the same for all versions, just change the Delphi 7 references by your own version.
First of all, you need to download the latest package from the Indy component repository:
(The latest file version while I writing this post is

Now you are ready to start the process of uninstall old version and install the new one.
Open your Delphi 7 and access Components > Install Packages.

Search for the package named Internet Direct (Indy) for Property and Component Editors. Select it and click on Remove button.
Indy 10 for delphi 7 programming

This will remove the Indy components from the development enviroment and they won't more avaiable in the components pallete.
After this, exit and close Delphi application and access its install directory. Inside bin folder, search for dclindy70.bpl file and remove it if exists.

Ok, the uninstall of old packages was completed and we will start the install process of the new version of Indy.
To simplify the nexts steps, unzip the content of previous downloaded file in a folder named Indy10 (you need to create this folder), under <Delphi install dir>Lib.
On a command line prompt, access <Delphi install dir>LibIndy10Lib folder and execute the batch file Fulld7.bat. It will remove the binary install files of other Delphi versions.
Run again Delphi and one-by-one, open and compile the files listed bellow, respecting their list order:
2. IndyCore70.dpk (in Indy10LibCore)
3. IndyProtocols70.dpk (in Indy10LibProtocols)
4. dclIndyCore70.dpk (in Indy10LibCore)
5. dclIndyProtocols70.dpk (in Indy10LibProtocols)

After a successfull compile of the packages, you just need to add a new Library path. To do this, access the Tools > Environment options menu, click on the Library sheet and add to your Library path, the path to <Delphi install dir>LibIndy10D7.
And the most important step on this post is put this new entry before the $(DELPHI)Libas follow the image bellow:

Now, on Components > Install Packages menu, finally add the components packages available in the Indy10D7, on the follow order:
  1. dclIndyCore70.bpl
  2. dclIndyProtocols70.bpl

It was a lot of steps to do, but now you are ready to come back and develop your apps using the updated version of Indy components!

Indy 10 For Delphi 7 0

I hope it was usefull to you!
With best regards,
This post was originally written by me in brazilian portuguese and was based on my experience using Indy 10 Installation Instructions.